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¡Bienvenidos! (Welcome)

Dia Bliss

Updated: Oct 10, 2023

My name is Diamond Bliss. Since this is my first post, I would like to say ahead of time that this blog is going to have a very rough start. As a person who would love to connect with her followers, I feel I should tell everyone beforehand that I am not a professional in this blogging world. In a way, you can say I'm freelancing.

At first, I wanted to make money writing, but now I want to write for myself. In the process, of course, I would love to see the thoughts and comments of others. My goal is to create a community.

There are so many things I can say about life, endless topics at my fingertips, and I believe studies have shown if you can attract someone's attention for at least thirty seconds you have them. So, I'll aim towards that. In the meantime, if you have any questions, or ideas for my next post or discussion, feel free to email (or message me through Instagram). As I accumulate more knowledge on how to properly use a blog website, I hope to broaden my contacts.

As much as this blog is about me, I also want to know about you. Now I know that we might be strangers, but if I may I want to know more about you (as in your likes and dislikes). I am not trying to expose you, I'm just a very social person. As I meet more people, I hope to branch out and post things that appeal to my subscribers to maintain their interest. There are so many personalities and I hope to reach as many as possible!

In this blog, I will talk about Christianity and God. Why is it so important that I tell you this upfront? Many people that will come through this site will see things they may agree with or disagree with, and even though I cannot help the hurtful comments that will appear on this blog, I will tell my followers upfront what my morals and values are. If you don't want to hear or see them, unsubscribe; it's that simple.

I have the freedom of speech (this is one of the main reasons why I made this blog). If you want to debate among other people commenting, do so. I believe with debate raises questions that will only be answered when someone is hungry enough for the knowledge they seek; please do so respectfully and maturely.

Again, if you have any topic ideas feel free to contact me. I am not guaranteeing your topic to come up next, but it will give me an idea of what my followers like. If you have any questions concerning Christianity or life advice, I'm a hop-skip-and-a-jump away! Can't wait to see your replies. Now relax and enjoy the reads!

Dia. Bliss


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