What a friend we have in Jesus
All our sins and griefs to bear.
What a privilege to carry
Everything to God in prayer.
Oh! What peace we often forfeit!
Oh, what needless pains we bear.
All because we do not carry
Everything to God in prayer.
---"What A Friend We Have in Jesus" by Joseph Scriven
No more betrayal,
For He is faithful,
He fills me up and my cup runneth over
No more betrayal,
For He is faithful,
How He has proven it over and over.
--- "What A Friend" by Matt Maher
This song "What A Friend" has been on my heart recently and the more I listen to it, the more I realize how God keeps trying to speak to me through it.
I've been working through lots of changes that come with transitioning from high school to a young adult with responsibilities. Thankfully, my parents have made the transition more bearable. In learning what is required of me as I age, this song brings me comfort because I know that when everyone who supports me is unable to step in God will always be with me. I love the bridge of this song that says
"No more betrayal, for He is faithful,
He fills me up and my cup runneth over.
No more betrayal, for He is faithful,
How He has proven it over and over."
God has proven that to me again and again. He is faithful. He hears my prayers and He gives me what I need. God works in mysterious ways. When He blesses, you will know it was Him all along.
I am so excited to share what has been happening in my life over the past few months! I cannot wait to share it with all of you. It is going to get interesting up here. I am trying so hard to maintain my blog while doing college, work, and writing. I am getting my stride together but God has been so good. I have been going through some difficulties, nothing major, but I am thankful that God keeps encouraging me. Thank you, Lord, for the friend we have in Jesus.
Haven't forgotten about this blog. I am in love with writing. Thank you for bearing with me.
Dia Bliss