1. I believe love is a strong emotion I feel when I’m with someone. Yes, love can also be an object or topic you admire, but when I’m next to that special person I feel as though I would go to the ends of the earth for them. They mean so much to me and I’d even sacrifice my happiness to make them feel worthy.
2. (Made-up Myth) You can’t love someone unless you get married. Love isn’t something you feel overnight. It’s a steady progression. You must be willing to give up things precious to you. Love can only be given by God and not by the world’s wiles.
3. Love was designed by God if you to know what true love is. John 15:13 says, “Greater love hath no man than this: that a man lay down his life for his friends.” I Corinthians 13 is known as the “love chapter." I’m not saying you don’t love the person (or the object); I’m only saying take time to see how the Bible describes love. You won’t view love the same again.
4. I knew a Christian couple that seemed to have all the love there was to offer. They were close family friends. One day the husband up and left. He was a pastor! He left without a trace and in the process divorced this godly Christian lady. Thankfully, she still chooses to go to church when she can (you see she works so it’s hard for her), but I want you to know the importance of having genuine love first and foremost. I know it cannot prevent these things from happening, but at least you’ll have a foundation on God’s everlasting love for you.
Which argument do you agree with? Comment below.